The Planetary Improvement Comp

Making things better

Bringing finance, innovation and expertise, to revitalise the planet.   

About us

Our mission is to help corporates and governments deliver large scale solutions to the connected problems of carbon reduction, food and water security, as quickly as possible. For profit where appropriate, or not where it is right to do so.   

These complex projects need to be simple, proven, and affordable, ideally self-funding in the near-term if we are to scale them quickly.  We are a 'hands-on' organisation bringing technical, operational, and practical implementation skills that allow us to join the dots, and make things happen.

We firmly believe that an open mind, engaging and listening with those on the ground to gather local knowledge, can make the difference between success and failure.  Every day provides the opportunity to do things better.

If you’d like to discuss your project, please get in touch below.


What we do

Large scale implementations

Large scale implementations

Corporates, governments and NGO’s have huge resources and desire to do the right thing, but often get stuck at implementation. Our role is to unblock the issues and deliver the change that can help the planet, from solving an economic justification through to designing, sourcing and delivering projects.  

Next Generation Technologies

Next Generation Technologies

We're here to help the next wave of innovation get delivered, working with farmers, inventors, and not for profits to bring technologies to market. People with good ideas often don’t know how to bring that idea to market, that’s where we can help everything from reviewing concepts to writing a business plan and sourcing funding. 

The PIC Foundation

The PIC Foundation

Planned for 2024: We don't intend to leave the little guys behind. We want to share our solutions with developing nations, who are lacking in funding and resources. There is so much that can be done to solve the carbon, food, and water security challenges of the developing world. We aim to make that happen.

Connect with us today!

Fill out the form below to get in touch. Let's start the journey to a better planet together!

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